Butterfly Sparks Designs


Quite a Ride

I never liked wooden roller coasters when I was a kid. You know the kind that go 70mph and are so rickety you feel like you could fly off at any second? Yep, those. I remember vividly the last time I was on one. I don't think I've ever been more terrified in my life. Total lack of control plus everything going way too fast equals scary. I literally closed my eyes until it was over. Not much has changed...I will NOT step foot on one of those things.

The last year of my life could be pretty much described like the above. Tons of uncertainty, many ups & downs, fear, frustration, relief. Pretty much any & every emotion you could feel, I've felt in the last year. It might be because...I've moved twice, lived by myself for the 1st time ever, quit my job, started a side business (still working on that one), began a new job, watched my best friend get married & move away, watched another longtime friend move to the other side of the country, dealt with some health challenges, and a few other things I won't go into. All that to say, it's been quite a ride. And at times, I've wanted to close my eyes until it all stopped. Or scream. Whatever seemed most appropriate at the time I was walking through it! Not to say there haven't been a few ups here & there, but overall, it's been a very challenging year. See, this girl doesn't handle change too well. But, I know the real reason it's been painful is that the one change I do want to happen, still hasn't.

So, I'm dedicating the next several blogs to a topic that I know way too much about (and wish I didn't): being single. I'll warn you, I'm going to be painfully honest at times. I might offend some people (although that's not my intention), and I might sound whiny (oh well). But, my real motive is to offer up what I've learned and hopefully encourage others who are in a "waiting" season in their lives.

I will say this isn't an easy topic for me to write about AT ALL, but I have LOTS to say, so I hope you'll keep reading...


  1. those roller coasters really are quite the ride and it sounds like your year has been crazy.

  2. It has been crazy! But, God is faithful. :) Thanks so much for taking the time to read my blog!
