Butterfly Sparks Designs


What's Love Got To Do With It?

Disunity. Dissension. Division. Pride, jealously, hate. All are words with negative connotations, and sadly, all can be used to describe the Church today. You know, the group of people who call themselves Christ-followers and are supposed to be examples of unity and love to a world who desperately needs to see that lived out. Then, why aren't we? Why is it so difficult to love one another the way Jesus commanded us to? And, why does it seem we resemble the world more often than we do Christ?

I'm only asking these questions because this struggle is personal. This issue of "loving my neighbor" and being an example to those who I think aren't watching. Because they are. Sometimes, when I wish they weren't. I don't always live up to the standards by which God has called me to in this area. I blow it every day. In fact, in my own way, I've contributed to disunity in the Church. Dissension too. Division...yeah, that as well. More times than not, my own pride and selfishness keep me from fully loving people. You might be saying, "don't be so hard on yourself...we've all messed up...we're only human." And, you're right. God has far more grace allotted for me than I have for myself. But, His grace isn't a free pass. Instead, it should prompt me to strive to love others even more.

One of my very first prayers when I became a Christian was for authenticity. In my early years as a believer, I struggled with thinking I had to look, talk, act, & believe the same way my fellow Christian did. The one I thought had it all together. But, that's not truly being authentic. Nor is it glorifying to Him. We were made in His image, right? Not in one another's image. God has gifted each of us differently. He's given us different personalities, likes & dislikes, and yes, even convictions. And this is where our main issue with loving one another comes in. We think that if Joe Christian doesn't believe the same way we do, worship in the "right" way, or go to our denomination, then well, maybe he isn't as good as we are. Or as godly. But, do we really have the authority to determine that? No. Do we need to focus more on loving people in the place they're at? Yes.

I want to be the woman that God has made me to be. And, nothing less. Be the person God has made you to be. Be authentic. Follow the principles in the Word. Love the Lord. Love people. It won't be easy. God didn't promise it would be. But, it is attainable with His help. Love has everything to do with living the abundant life God has promised us. So, don't you think it's worth the fight?

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