Butterfly Sparks Designs


A Faith Walk

I woke up this morning with the story of Jesus walking on water clearly on my heart.  It's not often that specific passages of scripture are blaring in my mind before I'm fully awake!  But, I immediately knew why & what God was speaking to me.  Faith.  You know when you're in a season where God is asking you to step out in faith & "walk on water" with him?  Yep, I'm there.  And like me, you probably feel scared, unsure, & maybe even a little...crazy.  That's how I envision Peter must have felt as Jesus was telling him to take that first step.  The story goes like this: Jesus told his disciples to step out of the boat, in the middle of the water, as the waves & wind were raging all around them.  No biggie, right?  Peter's response to Jesus' request was, "Lord, if it's you, tell me to come to you on the water." Jesus replied back with one word. "Come."  I imagine Peter to have really been thinking, "Lord, you seriously want me to step out of this safe boat and possibly be hurt or even die!?  Oh ok, sure."  And Jesus, very matter of factly, says, "That's what I said. What are you waiting for?  Come on!"

Peter & I would have been buddies.  I'm sure of it.  Because, I am Peter.  I would have questioned, over analyzed the situation in my mind, and then come to a decision based on fear, not on faith.  I'm often tempted to operate in doubt rather than in faith...more than I care to admit.  It's just easier. Safer.  It takes a lot more courage to step out of the boat and walk on the water than it does to stand still & do nothing.  It takes courage to take the first step, not completely knowing what's ahead.  But, I love that the story doesn't end there.  Jesus didn't just leave Peter on his own.  He calmed his fears, while challenging his faith.  "Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water, and came toward Jesus.  But when he saw the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord, save me!"  Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him.  "You of little faith, why did you doubt?" In His mercy, Jesus caught him, but in His loving way, challenged his doubt.  Jesus does that with me often.  I feel Him whispering to me, "Oh Steph, why are you doubting when I have made the road ahead so clear?  Why not just choose to trust me & let go?"  Instead, I doubt His voice & leading because I doubt my ability to hear & see correctly.  I feel vulnerable & unsure, yet I know He's there to catch me, so why wouldn't I just take that risk? 

God, help us to come when you say, "Come."  Help us to have the courage to step out when you say, "Don't be afraid."  Thank you that just as you did with Peter, you never leave us on our own.  Even through the doubt & fear, You're still there.  Waiting.  May we choose to see You instead of the wind & waves.  May we see clearly that there's too much waiting on the other side for us not to take that risk. 

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