Butterfly Sparks Designs


The Most Wonderful Time of the Year?

We're almost there. Just a few more days until Christmas! Days of eating food we'll spend the next few weeks trying to work off, receiving presents we didn't want to buy ourselves, buying gifts for others we'll spend all year paying off, and spending time with family we don't see often. But, it's the most wonderful time of the year, right? (Disclaimer: I absolutely LOVE Christmas and promise this is not a cynical post. I really do have a point).

Despite overeating & overspending, most of us look forward to this season more than any other time of the year. And let's face it, some of us look forward to the overeating & overspending as well! There's so much anticipation and joy surrounding Christmas. The decorations, putting up the tree, the beautiful music, cooking & baking, finding that perfect gift for someone close to us, being surrounded by family & friends, and most of all, celebrating a man named Jesus that chose to come in infant form to rescue us from ourselves. It's the most amazing gift we could & will ever receive on this earth. And even if all the other wonderful things surrounding this season did not exist, that's reason enough to celebrate.

But, in the midst of the excitement & joy, I realize it's not so joyful for everyone. In reality, it's the most difficult time of year for some. Over the last few weeks, I've had a friend that lost a baby, another friend in the hospital, co-workers who have lost loved ones, & several who have lost jobs. All very difficult circumstances, but amidst the Christmas season, even more so. I had a heavy heart as I was praying about this recently. These are people I care about. Why are they being asked to walk through these trials? And, why now? Not the best timing, I would say. But, even more sobering, why not me? The answers to these questions are outside of my understanding, and the last thing I want is to sound like Scrooge (remember, I love Christmas & everything that goes along with it!). But I do want to help us look beyond ourselves to see the needs of others. There are people in your life, and mine, who need a little extra encouragement right now. Maybe they need monetary help. Maybe they need someone to hold them while they cry. Or, they might need Jesus.

I'm guilty of focusing too much on the gifts I need to buy, the cookies I need to bake, or the cards I need to send, that I forget Christmas is really about Christ. And part of that is being Christ to others in tangible ways. Love came in the form of a perfect child named Jesus so not only could we know a love unlike any other, but so we could also give it away. It is the most wonderful time of year simply for that reason.

I challenge each of us to look for ways to bless others this Christmas season. I promise, they're everywhere if we'll just take the time to notice.

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