Those three words can only mean one thing for a woman. Getting old. Or in my case, entering another decade of my life. That's right, I'm turning 30 in two days...THIRTY! In two days. Oh wow. I remember thinking that was ridiculously old when I was a teenager. ( I know what some of you who are um, older, are thinking right now...) Still, it's a milestone birthday and one that up until now, I've had a little apprehension about. But alas, it IS approaching quickly and like it or not, it's happening.
So, how does one really prepare to say goodbye to her 20s and hello to her 30s? I hope it's not with the three (scary) words that make up the title of this blog. Because if so, I want to stay 29, please. All kidding aside (mostly), I AM looking forward to this new decade of my life. There's something about the thought of being in my thirties that already makes me feel a little wiser and a little more confident. Notice: I said a little. My 20s were, in many ways, a roller coaster ride of emotions. Many, MANY changes took place...some great, some not so much. Needless to say, I'm hoping & praying that there will be welcomed changes and more personal growth with the beginning of this new chapter.
So what, you may ask, HAVE I learned as I leave 29 behind and embrace 30? Well, I'm glad you asked...
Not to take myself so seriously. The more I laugh at myself, (and sometimes circumstances) the more I enjoy life!
How to be more comfortable in my own skin & with my appearance. (Disclaimer: I will continue going to the gym, however, to put off wearing Spanx as long as I can!)
That, in order to avoid the other scary words (aka: wrinkle cream & botox), I need to wear sunscreen!! Or, get spray tans.
That you don't have to figure out what your dream career is by the time you are 30. Sometimes it takes a little longer than that (and a little more perseverance).
To be grateful for every blessing, now matter how big or small it might be. There's always someone in greater need.
Giving is really the avenue to receiving God's favor.
Pour into those who are younger. They need it more than you, or they, think.
That sometimes (OK, EVERY time) waiting is God's way of protecting us & preparing us for His best.
I'm sure there's more, but those are what stick out in my mind. And, by the time the next decade rolls around (yikes!), I'm sure my list will be twice as long.
So, good-bye 20s! You've been good, but I'm moving on to great.
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