Butterfly Sparks Designs


29 never looked so good...

Well, it's that time again. My birthday. My favorite time of year...oops, that's Christmas. Ok, it's my SECOND favorite time of year! haha And, I'm just as excited this year as I was when I was 9. Why, you might ask, would I be this excited about 29? Especially when I'm one year away from 30 (oh boy)! Here's a few reasons...

1) It's the one day that I can be the center of attention & not feel guilty about it!
2) I get to spend time with family & friends that I love. (The best!)
3) The cards. (Yes, I love sweet words & for people to tell me what I mean to them...who doesn't!?)
4) The presents. (I'd be lying if I said otherwise).
5) The food. (A.K.A. eating desserts that I otherwise don't allow myself to indulge in). ;)
6) The hope that I'm one year closer to my unfulfilled dreams being fulfilled.
7) And lastly, because I'm NOT 30...yet.

So, here's to 29 and another great year! Maybe by the time 30 rolls around, I can look back on this year and say, wow, this has been the best year of my life! Happy Birthday to me!